Monday, December 26, 2011

Spanish Christmas dessert: TURRON

Mainly made with almonds and honey, this typical Christmas dessert comes from the middle ages. You'll find it in every house in Spain. We make ours, and is not too bad.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Spanish Tortilla recipe

Can you smell it from there?
This is our favourite at home, and usually our friends favourite too. Is the most commonly served dish in Spain
Great for any occasion. And the best of it, when it's cold still as good or even more. You can make a big one for dinner and use left overs, for kids lunches.

Lets start with the ingredients for 6:

  •  Olive oil  (more than half litre) I know is a lot, but then you will still be able to use it to keep cooking with it.
  • Potatoes 1kg
  • Eggs 12
  • Salt
  • Onion
As you can see the ingredients are very basic, but try it and you will see how your family loves it.

Peel the potatoes and slice them.  I use  a kitchen grater to do this job. That way all the slices are the same.
When you finish with the potatoes, get a non'stick frying pan and heat the olive oil.
While you wait, chop the onion.
When the oils is hot, place the potato and onion mixture into the oil. The oil should cover the potaoes. Turn down the heat, and leave them there till done. This takes like 20 minutes. Be careful, don't burn the potaoes. If you can poke a piece of potato with a spatula and it easily breaks in two, your potatoes are done.
Remove from the pan with a slotted spoon or spatula and allow oil to drain.
Crack the eggs into a large mixing bowl and beat by hand .hisk or fork. Pour in the potato onion mixture. Mix together with a large spoon.
Pour 1-2 Tbsp of olive oil into a  non-stick frying pan and heat on medium heat. Be careful not to get the pan too hot because the oil will burn - or the tortilla will! When hot, stir the potato onion mixture once more and “pour” into the pan and spread out evenly. Allow the egg to cook around the edges. Then you can carefully lift up one side of the omelet to check if the egg has slightly “browned.” The inside of the mixture should not be completely cooked and the egg will still be runny.
When the mixture has browned on the bottom, you are ready to turn it over to cook the other side. Take the frying pan to a sink. Place a large dinner plate upside down over the frying pan. With one hand on the frying pan handle and the other on top of the plate to hold it steady, quickly turn the frying pan over and the omelet will “fall” onto the plate.  Watch out, otherwise the omelet will go to the sink. Place the frying pan back on the range and put just enough oil to cover the bottom and sides of the pan. Let the pan warm for 30 seconds or so. Now slide the omelet into the frying pan. Use the spatula to shape the sides of the omelet. Let the omelet cook for 3-4 minutes. Turn the heat off and let the tortilla sit in the pan for 2 minutes.
Slide the omelet onto a plate to serve. If eating as a main course, cut the omelet into 6-8 pieces like a pie. Serve sliced French bread on the side.
If you are serving as an appetizer, cut the tortilla into small squares and place a piece on top of each slice of bread.
Bon apetite!!!!